Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Amsterdam .
Thursday , November 19th , 2015 , Olga Lyashevska was promoted to black belt by Marcos Flexa (black belt 4th degree under Carlson Gracie). She is the first female black belt promoted by Marcos Flexa , and she now joins the ranks with fellow black belts Desmond van den Berg and Daniël Bertina .
Lyashevska is one of the top female BJJ athletes in Europe. She grew up in Crimea and moved to The Netherlands in 2005 for her MSc Degree in Environmental Science. She started training in Judo and BJJ the same year, receiving her black belt in judo in 2010. In 2012 , 2013 and 2015 she fought at the World Pro Jiu Jitsu Championships in Abu Dhabi. In 2013 she became a No-Gi European Champion at purple belt, and in 2014 she won the brown belt open class at Rome International Open.
In 2015 she won her weight class at European Open Championships in Lissa bon and became third in open class.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Amsterdam
The Carlson Gracie lineage is well established in The Netherlands. At the dojo Amsterdam , and under guidance of Marcos Flexa, Lyashevska became known for her ruthless passing pressure, aggressive guardwork and sneaky submissions . It’s no exaggeration to state that she can smash most men, and make fun of them at the same time. She is also one of the most engaging and friendly people we have ever welcomed on our mats. It’s a great honor to welcome her within our ranks.
Lyashevska: “When I first stepped on the mat at Carlson Gracie Amsterdam, it felt like entering the Brazilian embassy. It is a powerhouse of Jiu Jitsu knowledge. The most important thing I learned here was the pressure game, always staying on top, and “Amassar!!!”(smash). However, the black belt is only the start. I want to continue to learn, motivate others, and grow in the art.”
“Tempo ruim o tempo todo. Quem não morre, não vê Deus.” – Carlson Gracie. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Amsterdam .
Text by Daniël Bertina